Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My motivational talk for women

Guess what women? God is calling you to rise up to be the woman that He has designed you to be. Now is the time! You must believe that you are fully redeemed and that you are ready to complete the mission that He has already placed in your heart. We believe, like Esther was, that you are in this position "for such a time as this." We pray that your God-dreams would grow and you would begin to walk them out.

*You Matter! God knows your name and He cares about you very much. He has not forgotten you.

Jeremiah 1:5 (MSG) says
“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you."

*You Are Good Enough! You are beautiful, strong and smart. Believe it!

Micah 6:8 (MSG) says,
"But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously."

*You Are Loved! If you would have been the only person in the world Jesus would still have given His life just for you.

Romans 8:37-39 NLT says,
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away."

Isaiah 43:1 says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sharpen Your Axe

A young man approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked for a job. "That depends," replied the foreman. "Let's see you fell this tree." The young man stepped forward and skillfully felled a great tree.

Impressed, the foreman exclaimed, "You can start Monday." Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday rolled by -- and Thursday afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, "You can pick up your paycheck on the way out today."

Startled, the young man replied, "I thought you paid on Friday."

"Normally we do," said the foreman. "But we're letting you go today because you've fallen behind. Our daily felling charts show that you've dropped from first place on Monday to last place today."

"But I'm a hard worker," the young man objected. "I arrive first, leave last and even have worked through my coffee breaks!"

The foreman, sensing the young man's integrity, thought for a minute and then asked, "Have you been sharpening your axe?"

The young man replied, "No sir, I've been working too hard to take time for that!"

Author Unknown

Our lives can be like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to "sharpen the ax." It seems that everyone is busier than ever but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp?

There's nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But God doesn't want us to get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like taking time to pray, to read and study scripture or to listen to "the still small voice of God." We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don't take time to sharpen the axe, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness.

What are you doing to sharpen your axe? Take time to make it a priority. We should be constantly striving to learn and improve "because if you are not getting better you are getting worse."

"And don't for a minute let this Book be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed. Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take." (Excerpt from Joshua 1:9 MSG)